Friday 30 September 2011

Retro Inspiration

Cocoon Couture Enchanted Tree Sticker in our Nursery

I'm loving all the retro-inspired things for kids these days - all the clothing with gorgeous Scandinavian prints and the wide range of retro-inspired furniture and decor available.

I found the following to be a really clear description of Retro Style Decorating from Coral Nafie from

"In truth, Retro Style Decorating actually encompasses several decades of styles, and the term itself is used to describe almost any interior decorating themes that are influenced by trends and styles from the past.  And while this definition means that just about any era could be considered "retro", the term is more commonly used to describe decor from the 1950's, 60's and 70's. Go back just a little farther and you're bridging more on vintage style, although the two styles can (and do!) frequently cross over.  Retro style decorating usually has a fun, lively feel to it, with bright colors, wild designs and an overall sense of 'flair'."

Many of the gorgeous nurseries I love to admire and read about on Ohdeedoh and Project Nursery are retro-inspired or encompass vintage pieces in their design.  Whether imitations of those gorgeous designs of the past, or actual vintage pieces that belonged to family members (or from thrift shops), there just seems to be something really appealing and special about including 'old things' in a child's room.  I actually didn't know 'thrifting' was so popular when setting out to decorate a nursery, but can certainly see why.

I must admit that I have embraced the retro trend (to some extent) when it comes to decorating my kids' spaces.  There's something about it that evokes a sense of nostalgia (me being the very sentimental girl I am!) and many of the retro designs and vintage pieces take me straight back to the happy, fun and carefree days of my childhood.  Besides, all those gorgeous colours and patterns characteristic of the 60s and 70s can really brighten up a child's room, making it all the more fun and inspiring!

Below is a photo of one of my favourite things - a vintage wooden puzzle (Galt Picture Squares) with gorgeous, colourful Scandinavian-style images.  It was found amongst a heap of teaching resources given to me by a lovely friend and colleage when she retired.  Love it - so do my kids!

Galt Picture Squares

Stay tuned for examples of retro style in my home ...

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