Monday 28 November 2011

Wall Stickers

You may have noticed by now that I like wall stickers.  In fact, I love them!  They are easy to apply, can add such a 'wow' factor to a room and the best bit - they are removable so you can move them elsewhere when you decide to re-decorate!  I fondly remember the wall stickers my mum had in my playroom when I was a kid - they were fantastic but unfortunately for mum, were not able to be removed without damaging the paintwork like the ones they make today!

I must admit that I have parted with quite a few dollars when it comes to wall stickers in my home - mainly the beautiful trees on the playroom and bedroom walls - but in my opinion the money has been well spent!  I've discovered, however, that there are some really inexpensive options available as well.  I thought I'd share my latest wall sticker purchase which has proven very successful in providing entertainment for my little ones during nappy change time!  I found these lovely woodland stickers in a discount store and they cost a total of six dollars, can you believe it?  They are not exactly the same quality material as the designer decals, but pretty effective all the same.

Here are some photos of little Kallan enjoying the stickers in the changing area in our laundry ...

Not only do they act as a distraction, but they are also beneficial for the littlies' language development  - providing an opportunity for discussion about the animals, the shapes and the colours ... bonus!

Nothing permanent either, so I can whip them down when we need a change (pun not intended!) or when the kids are a bit older and we no longer need to provide nappy change-time entertainment!

Now for a sneak peek at what's coming up in my next post ...

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